Sunday, August 23, 2015

FRESH OUT THE BOX: Why this Past Week's #NewMusicFriday is 2015's Best Yet...

No, it's not  your eyes. I did put Carly Rae Jepsen in that grid three times. The album is that good.

The Pop Music Gods sure were good to us this past week. Read on and bask in the glory that was August 21st, 2015.

Baby popstar-in-training Becky G remains a third stringer in the pop game for some ungodly reason despite dropping stellar single after stellar single since "Shower". Her latest is handclappy and repetitive in the right way and she really sells it.

Previously mentioned collab with the ridiculously talented MNEK. The Jamiroquai vibes are strong with this and I need this to be everywhere, mmkay? While you're at it, pick up Brayon's entire new EP, The Update. It's fab.

(& also all of Emotion because obviously)
If it was up to me, this album would sweep all of the pop category Grammy awards. It's over for 2015. We've found our Pop Messiah album. I can't pick a favorite song but for now, we'll go with this one.

It's that in-the-pocket type sound that will probably get remixed for the clubs and go super viral -- the perfect mixture of acoustic soul and driving pulse. And what a strong beacon of light that chorus is.

It wasn't officially released on Friday but I haven't stopped listening to this Lion Heart album cut since I first heard it. Fun dichotomy between syrupy bubblegum and (almost) rachety dance.

I knew Grace Mitchell solely for her ethereal cover version of Hall & Oats "Maneater" featured on the soundtrack to The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. But her current single -- "Jitter" -- literally made the pop blogosphere fall apart when it premiered in the UK this past week. It's now available for mass consumption worldwide. Jump on this bandwagon now.

Music in 2015's contribution to the lexicon (other than apparently "bae" and "whip/nae nae") will undoubtedly be #Tringle. JoJo's return to the pop music scene came this week via three single (hence #tringle). Unfortunately, not all three were the bangers I desperately wanted them to be. Don't get me wrong -- she sounds incredible but we all knew she had a great voice. "When Love Hurts" sounds the most fresh to me and is still a solid fun song. It was produced by Benny Blanco, currently best known for his recent work with Maroon 5 and on Ed Sheeran's "Don't".

Jordin's transition from American Idol pop-tart (literally - the live tours for AI were actually sponsored by PopTarts at one point. I'm not joking.) to soulful, slinky R&B seductress is officially complete with the release of her long awaited album Right Here, Right Now. There's a lot of good ones on this but my fave is the saucy and sensuous "Silhouette". Bonus Little Known Fact: it was co-written by my girl Nikki Flores as well as Lars Halvor Jensen, a Danish pop songwriter who's written for the Sugababes.

I wasn't really ready for a new Nick J single -- I was just getting used to the fact that "Teacher", arguably my favorite from his "debut" solo album, might be getting some airplay attention. "Levels" is much more dance pop with an urban swing than "Chains" or "Jealous" but feels much more effortlessly fluid and believable coming from the ex-Jonas Brother (can he ever be ex, really? Anyway...). Also -- I knew I could't be alone in thinking it sounds like something SHINee'd be able to pull off well if they were releasing music in English. Turns out it was co-written/produced by Ian Kirkpatrick, who has (in addition to penning Jason DeRulo's "Want To Want Me" and "Cheyenne") has written/produced SHINee's "Boys Meet U". Double win (and a high five from Jesus) for yours truly.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

#NOWKPOPPING: "You Think" Girls' Generation's So Cool, So Coo-ooo-ool

L to R: Tiffany, Seohyun, SooYoung, YuRi, HyoYeon, Taeyeon, YoonA, Sunny
Some girl groups think they're so cool but they're not better than SNSD. Or at least that's what SM's Elite Eight want you to think. And for the most part, they remain triumphant.

Admittedly, I had high hopes for the release of Girls' Generation's "You Think". The sassy dance jam is unarguably GG's most pro-femme go-you-girl stomper since "Bad Girl" (and arguably sounds much more in line with their Japanese catalog than their Korean) more than four years ago (can you believe?!?!). This is perhaps in part thanks to it being a co-write of Sara Forsberg aka Saara, Finnish YouTube sensation and current should-be-everywhere-popstar.

While I'm not a true SONE through and through (is it pronounced like it rhymes with "own" or "pony"?), I've got a weak spot for their glitzy uptempos and "You Think" slots in quite nicely with the best of them. I'm talking "Run Devil Run", "Paparazzi", the aforementioned "Bad Girl", and of course, "Genie". 

This is no shade to their other single at the moment -- title cut "Lion Heart". Clearly SM pulled out all the stops for that particular nugget of pristine bubblegum with gorgeous outfits and adorably weird (if not wonky) storyline to boot. But hey, I don't find Girls' Generation endearing because of their acting skills. Following the exit of Jessica and the convergence of literally every KPOP girl group ever coming out of the woodwork this summer to drop dancey hits (including the Wonder Girls, whom even the least jaded assumed would stay caged forever), South Korea's "national girl group" had something to prove, whether their fandom liked it or not. 

"Lion Heart" will probably soar for its "Gee"-like appeal among their young Korean fanbase/general ahjusshi populace. But rather than falter and cave to the pressures of "different strokes for different folks" when it comes to the Korean demographic versus the international pop community (I'm looking at you, YG, with that last 2NE1 album), SM choose to do something quite brilliant and release "Lion Heart" and "You Think" at the same time, and the latter is clearly aimed to hit hard with their fans abroad.

As much as I enjoyed "I Got a Boy", "You Think" actually delivers on that grown and sexy premise.

Upon first listen, "You Think" isn't as instantaneously earwormy but rides the line between girl group sex appeal and 90's call back (album cut "Check" also does this very well). It also should be said that in a group with eight members, only three are openly heralded across the board for their solid vocals (Taeyeon, Seohyun, and Tiffany) and "You Think" chooses to surprise with a wider solo line distribution, allowing "second-stringers" (so to speak of course) a chance to swing for the gates, which they do admirably well. I'm of course talking about Ms. Sunny's bit at the end of the first verse and especially at the beginning of the second verse and then again in the bridge -- three solos, what? Guess we know how's filling in Jessica's shoes, eh? In fact, the only Soshi who doesn't solo is YoonA (but she of course gets plenty of close-up screen time).

It may take you a few spins, but if this is the future of Girls' Generation, I sure am about that life. In 2015, one year post-Kpocalypse that was 2014, "You Think" is a solid Top 5 of the best girl group jams.

Gif Credit: femalexpresident on Tumblr

  • Can someone explain why they are in a warehouse with skeletons but also the most gorgeous, luxurious closet I've ever seen? I'm not getting the dichotomy.
  • What did the apple do to these girls that it needs to be repeatedly impaled by nails? #FreeTheApple
  • Fabulosity Meter for "You Think": Seohyun > Taeyon > Sunny > HyoYeon > YuRi > Tiffany > SooYoung >>>>>>> YoonA. Sorry, girl.
  • I'm convinced that Tiffany thinks she's the Korean Katy Perry.
  • That being said, can someone get me her Weave Girl's number?
  • Taeyeon is dedicating this jam to all of the netizen haters. Plus her melismas (zing!) and vocal dexterity is seriously unparalleled. She's easily the best in class in SM, and yeah, I just said that. I meant it, too.
  • I know it's bias but it's a real shame they don't give YuRi more close up shots or dance break bits. Girlfriend is a fox. At least they tossed her half a verse and didn't shuffle her off into the rap bit, though, right?...
  • I love SooYoung but why is she rapping again? Stop trying to crowd on Hyoyeon's turf, girl.
  • Hyo's "Go. Away." bit.
  • SUN-NY! Somehow always gets the short end of the stick with rando wigs (she legit has 65 different hairstyles in the span of this comeback) and yet still manages to surprise me by killing all three of her solos. #TeamSoonKyu4Lyfe
  • Obviously the MVP of this video (and this comeback, really) is gorgeous baby Seohyun. Hair tossing! (Sorta) Splits! Being sexy in general! Slaying her solos! When does she get a solo album?

Monday, August 17, 2015

#NOWKPOPPING: Wonder Girls, HelloVenus, Stellar, Z.Hera, Big Bang

L to R: Wonder Girls, Z-Hera, HelloVenus
As we await the inevitable chart-topping return of Girls' Generation with their double title sucker punch "Lion Heart" and "You Think" (can't wait only for the latter to be honest) and the fingers-crossed-for-amazing Super Junior repackage, here's what's rocking in terms of #KPOP for yours truly.

If you buy one KPOP album this quarter, make it be the Wonder Girls latest. After a long hiatus, the group has reb(r)anded (see what I did there) following the exit of visual fave Sohee and leader Sunye (officially) -- inviting back former member SunMi to return to the charts as a quartet via their latest, Reboot. "I Feel You" is the single but the whole album follows its 80's dance aesthetic. I could go on and on about how great all four gals look (but especially rapper Yubin who is literally slaying all of your faves with that blonde hair), but I'm more inclined to give them credit for sticking to what they do best in going all in on a concept idea and putting together an actually sonically cohesive album. At least one member of the group also co-wrote or co-produced every song on the album. Now, you may have heard about all the flack they are receiving for calling this a "band" concept and yet not playing instruments live on stage. Had they (JYP) not gone ahead and called themselves a "band" going into the promotional cycle, none of ya'll would have said anything. The song is great, the album is great, they all look and great. Shut the eff up.

 - "I'm Ill"
I know precious little about this six-piece gal group but it's the summer of girl group comebacks and this is yet another Brave Brothers dance scorcher. Perfect for the end of summer, full of synthy dance and more sequins(!).

Z.HERA - "XOX" (feat. DALSHABET's Gaeun)
No relation to the group-that-shall-not-be-named. Super catchy and cute. I like this girl.

DICK PUNKS - "We Young"
Yes, that's really their name. Yes, they really are competing in the Idol game. Just don't call them a boy band. This traditional pop/rock band has been around since the mid-00's but gained raging popularity a few years back when they competed on the X-Factor like show Superstar K4. The song is great and they clearly don't take themselves too seriously. What's not to like?

STELLAR - "Vibrato"
This might be the most polarizing KPOP video of the year. The song on its own is plenty catchy but the music video and outfit choices is rankling the KPOP community something fierce with many calling the choreography and performance wear far too X-rated. In Stellar's defense, much of the video is a bit of a social commentary on how women are openly sexualized for entertainment, so I guess the jokes on the trolls. They themelves have said they have deliberately pursued sexier comeback concepts because they know it will make them money and a girl's gotta eat, alright? The social commentary they are putting up on a pedestal here is interesting enough but so long as the group knows what they're doing, I have no issue with this.

BIG BANG - "Bang Bang Bang"
Yup, I caved. Although I'm still not much for this MADE promotional cycle, this is definitely a jam that clearly every non-SM boy group wants to emulate (::cough:: BEAST ::cough cough::). Super slick and had this been released in English, it would have been all over the place Stateside...hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it still was played here (and loud).

Sunday, August 16, 2015

HEAR THIS: The Fooo Conspiracy Says "Run With Us"

A few years ago, it seemed like the modern era of boy band was finally upon us (here in the USA). With the exception of One Direction, the onslaught seemed to die out just as quickly as it ignited. However -- when in doubt, Sweden always has proper pop's back.

The Fooo Conspiracy (formerly known as just The Fooo) is made up of four Swedish boys who have released a handful of albums, EPs, and singles to relative acclaim in their home country. They opened for Bieber (in Stockholm) and are currently attempting a foothold Stateside via the "Pop Nation Tour". The tour is significant because 1) it also features the likes of After Romeo (Drew Ryan Scott's group and the only major long-stay US boy band currently) and 2) it was organized by none other than Johnny Wright himself (the manager of *NSYNC among a million others, don't ya know).

Their latest (USA) single is "Run With Us" and if it doesn't rank them as the heir apparent to Wright's previous (Boy)Bandemonium (NLT, V Factory, Menudo, One Call), I'm not sure what else will. It's catchy, sacchrine boy pop at its finest, complete with 2015 recall slang ("Fooo! Turn up!" is modern tweens call and response the way "Yes Yes Yes, Here We Go! *NSYNC has got the flow!" was when I was a tween). The promo features great popstar hair, lots of screaming female fans, plenty of #selfie taking, and adequate enough choreography with a bit of bboying thrown in to keep it interesting.

No, I don't have a favorite yet but give me some time and a few more great singles and I'm sure I will come up with something...

Monday, August 03, 2015

#NOWKOPPING: SHINee's "Married To The Music"; continues to be 'Odd' & Awesome

L to R (standing): Taemin, Minho, Key, Onew / Horizontal: Jonghyun
Most boy bands (regardless of origin country) are based on two potential concepts: (1) singing well while being exceptionally good looking, or (2) dancing well while being exceptionally good looking.

My boys in SHINee were like, "Eff those two ideas. We'll sing well, dance well, and be weird AF and you're gonna like it."

Well played.

The group announced some bonus songs for the "repackage" of their Odd album, dubbing the project "Married To The Music". The concept is......Halloween House of Horrors. In August. Because sure, why the hell not.

Think Backstreet Boys' "Everybody" with that MJ/Bruno Mars funk feel vibe bandwagon that everyone's jumping on. The song is catchy (do I think it will be as iconic as "Sherlock" or "Lucifer", nah -- but that's not the point), the choreography is punchy, but the visuals are...

So to recap: 
  • The video opens with the words "Marriage Is A Slow Death"
  • All of SHINee drink the weird, glowing Koolaide (so to speak)/food and terrible things happen
  • Key's head gets chopped off (and apparently his insides are bright lemon yellow)
  • Eldest Onew ("accidentally") hits baby Taemin in the head with a bat and his eyes fly out of his skull
  • Drunk (I'm assuming) Onew stumbles into the bathroom to wake himself up and his nose is left in the sink, held up by a disembodied hand and bleeding orange soda blood
  • In what would be the biggest musical tragedy of all, Jonghyun's lips are stolen right off his face and are left in a bowl of sprinkles (after he projectile vomits confetti -- which Onew & Minho dance and play in)
  • Minho's face is essentially burned off when the rest of the members try to blow out the candles on a cake he's carrying
  • The video ends as all of the disembodied SHINee members lay dead(?) around the nefarious "wife"
(Time to get way too deep in this: Key is known for his weird concepts and fashion choices -- and now his head is gone. Taemin is now known as a "visual" member -- and his eyes are gone. Jonghyun is the lead vocalist -- and his lips/mouth is gone. Minho has been gaining more acting roles and is known for his "flaming charisma" -- and his face gets burned off. And Onew...loses his nose? So loses his "sense" as a leader? I'm dying from the jokes here. Get it? Dying?)

I'm not sure who at SM Entertainment is letting these babies go buck wild with their music video concepts but I hope it never stops. It's about time someone from SM is allowed some weird creative freedom, right?

Remember when SHINee was all cute in hip hop clothes singing about how Noona is so pretty? LOL.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

GOING VIRAL: Thomas Jack, Elephante, Saara, Alexandra Stan, Aston Merrygold & more...

L to R: Citybois, Alexandra Stan, Saara
They may not be a thing in the US (yet), but they are currently "going viral" around the world. Here are some tunes to add to your "up and comer" list so you can feel like a cool, I'm-in-the-know kind of hipster. You're welcome.

In the UK, he's best known as a former member of the X Factor boy band JLS (who, if you recall, announced they were amicably dunzo in 2013). To the US, he's a potential pop/dance runner up to Bruno Mars (complete with the hair). His debut solo single "Get Stupid" dropped this past week and it's utterly infectious. I can't stop playing this.

ELEPHANTE - "I Want You (feat. RUMORS)"
Any artist taking their name from my favorite animal, I'm on board with. (Just kidding, sort of.) Elephante is an American DJ who just hit over 100,000 fans on Facebook. "I Want You" is his latest and it's already topped the charts on the Hype Machine as well as made Spotify's "viral" charts in a variety of countries. The dance jam has a strong keyboard motive that builds to a club-ready climactic breakdown.

JOE STONE - "The Party (This Is How We Do It) (feat. MONTELL JORDAN)"
It's basically a sped-up, ready-for-the-club-in-2015 version of the 90's classic. Nothing wrong with that.

EVA SIMONS - "Policeman (feat. KONSHENS)"
You might remember Eva Simons as that Rihanna-esque popstar from the Netherlands that broke through with killer songs like "Silly Boy" (which so many people thought was Rihanna), "I Don't Like You", and "Take Over Control" with Afrojack. Her latest, "Policeman", is dark, dancehall-esque, and totally strutworthy. It's so far peaked in the Top 10 in Belgium and her native Netherlands, as well as getting major spins across Scandinavia and Germany.

CITYBOIS - "Purple Light"
This Danish duo were competitors on the most recent season of X Factor in Denmark, ultimately placing fourth. "Purple Light" is their latest single, now available worldwide, and came out in June. What a perfect slice of Scandipop meets current funk-pop it is with a super-audible walking bassline.

THOMAS JACK - "Rivers"
I have a weird feeling that this song might just be that next worldwide megasmash. Basically cross Nico & Vinz' "Am I Wrong" with Robin Schulz' "Waves" and put it through a OneRepublic filter. It's so catchy and once it's got its hooks in you, you're a goner.

SAARA - "Ur Cool"
Saara (birth name: Sara Forsberg) snatched her initial fifteen minutes of fame on YouTube last year via her video What Languages Sound Like To Foreigners where she basically mimics different languages and accents (basically in gibberish). Over ten million views later, this Finnish teen has turned her overnight success into a potential pop career, signing with Capitol here in the US and releasing the single brat-pop "Ur Cool" back in April. It's very much in the Cher Lloyd vein of things mixed up with Katy Perry's flair for comedy and not taking herself too seriously. Also, a demo she co-wrote/sang called "You Think" has been re-purposed for Girls' Generation's use as an upcoming single, due out in a few short weeks.

Like most people, I lurrrrrve me some "Mr. Saxobeat". Romanian dance artist extraordinaire Alexandra Stan has returned to the pop scene, bringing along fellow Romanian popstar Inna (best known for her killer dance jam "Hot") for the ride with the Euro smash "We Wanna" -- naturally full of jingles, jangles, and saxophone blurps, plus some bonus Daddy Yankee because why not.

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