Saturday, April 23, 2011

WATCH THIS: Jada Rises

The last time I checked in on the lovely ladies of Jada was about eight months ago, when we gained word of their third single, the RIO-produced "The Party's On Fire" (not to be confused with RedOne, who produced their dynamite first single "American Cowboy"). For reasons unknown and shelved to the side, the girls are still grinding and working on said single -- the long-awaited music video for the song is hopefully a breath away. They are also tantalizing us fans with some important bit of unknown news upon a certain number of views of the video's teaser.

Take a look at the teaser below and be sure to watch till the end (it's a mere 23 seconds, people) so the count registers. 

For now we can only speculate on what the news might be, so watch the trailer (at least once, but a few times would be helpful) and spread the word about Jada. My fingers crossed the news is a tangible album release date. We've been waiting for far too long, ladies!

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