Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ATTN Americans: Performance Rights Day

Please, pass along the word.

Today is "Call-In" Day for the Performance Rights Act in the United States - I strongly urge you to take 5 minutes out of your day to follow the two steps below.

Step 1: Call 202-225-3121 and ask to be connected with your Congressman
(Jerrold Nadler for NY'ers)

Step 2: State that you are calling in support of the Performance Right's Act and wish to have your support recorded. They ask for your name, e-mail address and zip code.

If you are unaware of what the bill is proposing, here are some of the main

* Every time a song is played on AM/FM radio in the Unites States, the
performer does not receive any money.
* Performing artists deserve to be compensated for their work when it is played on the radio and used to generate over $16 billion annually in ad revenues.
* AM and FM radio is the only music platform that enjoys this exception from paying for the music they use: satellite radio, cable music stations, and Internet radio all compensate artists and performers for the use of their music.
* The U.S. is the only industrialized, democratized country without a
performance right in the world.
* The legislation provides for special treatment for small, noncommercial and religious music radio stations - it's a fair bill.

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