As much as I love current pop music, I feel that every true audiophile has a plethora of classic tracks on standby that just remain timeless to them, no matter how old they are.
Such is the case with with Stevie Nicks' 1982 hit single, "Edge of Seventeen," from her debut solo album, Bella Donna. That whole album is amazing, but "Seventeen" is the pinnacle of its perfection, in my humble opinion. I grew up on Fleetwood Mac music, as my mother was a big fan. So it goes without staying that this song would ring very very important to me.
So imagine my frustration when Lindsay Lohan covered the song on her 2005 sophomore album. Admittedly, it wasn't the horrendous cover I expected it to be, but to me -- certain songs should just never be covered. They should just be left alone. "Edge of Seventeen" is just one of those songs.
But I could forgive Lindsay's cover, until she started spouting that she wanted to play Stevie in a biopic. Then I just got irritated. Where do you come off thinking its cool to put yourself out there to play someone so iconic in music when you have barely proved yourself as a musician, let alone an actress? (I currently have a similar frustration with the inclusion of 'Twilight's Kristin Stewart in an upcoming biopic about Joan Jett...however, after seeing "Adventureland", I'm starting to relent...a little bit.)
So this past week, when Stevie herself was questioned about the proposition of Lindsay playing her in a movie, what does she respond with?
"Over my dead body."
When I read that, it just made my whole day a lot brighter. It's about time someone said to Lindsay's face she needs to make some changes in her life.
Girlfriend, we're pulling for you. But there's only one way this song can be performed. And it's this way...
I've got one word for your post...
i really need to spend some more time with Stevie Nicks. My knowledge is woefully lacking :(
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